Geoffrey Gyrisco brings to his work a discerning eye for architecture, whether condos, contemporary homes, commercial properties, or vintage and historic properties.  He is a distinctive properties specialist.

For those seeking to buy any property of any age, a keen eye for architecture and building can be a valuable asset.  For those seeking to buy a historic, vintage or distinctive property, a realtor with true professional knowledge of such properties can be a key asset.  Geoffrey brings 30 years of diverse professional experience working with historic and vintage properties, the last 19 years based in Madison. He combines a realtor's professional tools with an understanding of historic properties that is unique in Wisconsin, along with imagination, resourcefulness and a genuine interest in the customers' needs and desires.

For those selling in this challenging market, Geoffrey brings his expertise in research to determine the right price and market positioning to get your property sold, whether condo, contemporary home or historic property.

For those selling historic, vintage and unique properties, the key  to getting the best price is locating the right buyer. Unusual properties, especially in a slow market, require actively and creatively searching out a buyer, and effectively presenting the property, the approach the Gyrisco team uses.

In Wisconsin Geoffrey administered the National Register of Historic Places, surveys of historic properties, special programs for the preservation of endangered barns and churches, technical assistance to 200 local governments and organizations.  After 10 years at the Wisconsin Historical Society, Geoffrey has operated a historic properties consulting practice.  His passion for historic properties is reflected in the special publications he edited, as a sought-after speaker on the Wisconsin Humanities Council Speakers Bureau and as co-editor of Buildings of Wisconsin, the definative work on Wisconsin historic properties. 

Prior to coming to Wisconsin, Geoffrey established one of the largest and most respected historic and archaeological properties consulting businesses on the East Coast.  He has worked throughout the Mid-Atlantic region in government historic preservation offices in Washington and Pennsylvania, as a regional consultant, and a non-profit executive director.  He earned a B.A. in history and archaeology from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in American Civilization from George Washington University, specializing in planning for the preservation of historic properties.

While a true expert in historic, vintage and distinctive properties, Geoffrey brings the same resourcefulness, insight and attention to detail, in assisting clients in the buying and selling of contemporary homes, condos or commercial property.